Never Forgotten

The Vietnam Veteran Fifty Years Later

by Jenny La Sala



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/28/2015

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 452
ISBN : 9781490766416
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 452
ISBN : 9781490766508
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 452
ISBN : 9781490766423

About the Book

When the Vietnam Veteran’s tours were over, they came home to find a country divided and a nation unappreciative of their service. How they were treated, how they integrated back into society, and how their wartime experiences changed them are just some of the questions answered, as their stories unfold in Never Forgotten. Told by the Veterans themselves, these are their stories. "The book Never Forgotten, captures 58 Veteran’s accounts and others on what it was like to experience the Vietnam War. In their own words, they talk about their return home, struggles to maintain healthy relationships, decades of recovery, and feelings of worthlessness. Many find emotional well-being and self-worth by helping other Veterans. Those of us who are Veterans or whose loved ones have served in war, know with certainty we are different when we return home, than before we marched off to war. Because of this difference, for ourselves and for those we love and enjoy having in our lives, Never Forgotten is a must read." ~ Michael B. Christy, Lt. Col. USA (ret) and Vietnam Veteran

About the Author

JENNY LA SALA published My Family Compass under the pen name Ann Stone to heal from family dysfunction in 2012 and later in 2013 her 101st Airborne father’s wartime letters in the book, Comes A Soldier’s Whisper, opening the door for her expansion to veteran advocacy, compassion and understanding PTSD within her own family. Jenny’s maternal and paternal ancestors fought in the Civil War, and her brother in the Gulf War. Vietnam and Beyond, Veteran Reflections was honored as a finalist for the 2015 Eric Hoffer Book Award and was co-authored with Jim Markson, her former spouse and Vietnam Veteran. Jenny’s first children’s book, When Daddy Comes Home launched in May 2015 and addresses the challenges faced when Daddy returns changed by the war experience. The publications have led to ­collecting­ over 300 interviews of veterans of all wars, with selected stories for Never Forgotten as told by the Vietnam Veteran, their spouses and children. These are their stories. Jenny’s experience as an author and editor made her a perfect choice and fit for the editing team of National Geographic’s publication, Veteran’s Voices: Remarkable Stories of Heroism, Sacrifice, and Honor due in May 2016.