Hidden so Deep

by Stone Spicer



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/19/2016

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 342
ISBN : 9781490771335
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 342
ISBN : 9781490771328
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 342
ISBN : 9781490771311

About the Book

A weekend adventure on a remote island in the middle of Kaneohe Bay is shattered by an audacious midnight theft of a boat. Just as Kensington Stone manages to organize an all-island searchTeri White, Stone’s partner, receives an urgent phone call from Pops. Their friend and Pops daughter, Viane Koa, has disappeared while hiking on the Island of Hawaii and the only clues they have are a pickup truck that had been hot-wired and a hiking hat found far off trail on the slopes of Mauna Loa. Stone and Teri’s instincts to help become necessarily divided: on one hand they want to help their friend find his boat, feeling somewhat responsible for his loss, but on the other hand locating Viane is of primary and utter urgency. While the search for the missing boat and for Viane advance and gains footing a sudden earthquake rolls across the Big Island pushing Viane closer to certain death.

About the Author

Born to a father with wanderlust in his heart, Stone Spicer spent his first seventeen years living in cities across Canada, United States, and Australia. In 1960, a teenager on his own, he migrated to Hawaii, fell in love with the Islands and its people, and adopted it as home. He gained a degree in business at University of Hawaii, married a Hawaiian Japanese girl, and raised a family of two sons—now six grandchildren. He enjoyed a successful thirty-year career in the printing industry in Honolulu and became a massage therapist in Hilo, Hawaii, before dealing in artwork in the Pacific Northwest. Stone enjoys writing, bringing characters to life while weaving a story that entertains while bringing to life all those enchanting pieces of Hawaii that so many people loved but that have been lost over time as Hawaii’s popularity and resulting commercialism grew. Along with writing, he is an avid hiker, thoroughly enjoys boats of all kinds, is an outdoor adventurer, health-club enthusiast, and enjoys home remodeling. He currently resides on Whidbey Island in Puget Sound, Washington.