Dynamics of the Coming Wealth Transfer

by Eli Fiadzoe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/20/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781490784731
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781490784724
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781490784748

About the Book

If you are a believer, this is the time to set yourself up for a supernatural wealth transfer. You see, God has set this moment up to enrich his people by the wealth of the wicked, and you are one of the beneficiaries. For many years, the wicked had been gathering wealth for himself at the expense of the innocent and the vulnerable. He carried out injustice, broke the jaws of authority, and carried out his enterprise. He enriched himself in the end. For many years, individuals and organisations have used their wealth for the wrong purposes, such as sponsoring terrorism and war, pushing drugs, bribing authorities for favours, and indulging in ritual killings. Wealth has been acquired through such wicked maneuverings as drugs and sex trafficking and used to champion such causes as pushing for transgenderism, same-sex marriage, and promotion of nudity and sex in motion pictures. For many years, ill-gotten wealth has been used to resource political ambitions and for destabilizing the political power balance of nations and multinationals. Accounts abound of wealthy individuals passing on whole estates to their pet dogs or willing them to blatantly immoral successors. Undoubtedly, such decadence has left a scar on the conscience of humanity. Now the acquisition of wealth or the ownership of it is viewed with suspicion and scepticism, and the real beauty and glory of wealth is lost.

About the Author

Eli Fiadzoe is a foremost writer on wealth transfer and its dynamics. Since Childhood,he has been passionate about the Christian Faith and its critical link to individual and national wealth. Eli advocates nurturing faith in God, and believes in the power of faith to transform ordinary people into world changers. He is president of the Builders Christian Foundation International, a Christian Youth Development Organization headquartered in Accra, West Africa. He is also a Deacon at the Winners Chapel International, Accra. Eli Fiadzoe is a motivational speaker, author and educator and has published insightful academic articles on wealth creation in the Business and Financial Times, Ghana’s outstanding business newspaper. Eli has a Master of Arts degree in Development Studies from the Institute of Statistical Social and Economic Research of the University of Ghana. He is also a Professional Accounting Student bearing an intermediate level status with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,Glasgow,UK. Eli and his wife Dorm are proud parents of two children: Melikeh and Etornam.