God Is Not God’s Name
A Journey Beyond Words
Book Details
About the Book
I concede to the irony of writing a book with the words “beyond words” in its subtitle. If I were to truly go beyond words, the following pages would all be blank! I am hardly the first to deal with this conundrum, however. Jewish scholars tell us that in the aftermath of the Babylonian Exile of the sixth century BCE, the Jews ceased to use their name for God—Yahweh—because the divine name had come to be regarded as too sacred and holy to even be spoken. They had to come up with other ways to identify that which they regarded as ultimately sacred and holy. I can relate.
About the Author
Rev. Edington is a resident of Nashua, New Hampshire where he served the Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashua for 24 years. Currently (March, 2018) he is the interim minister of First Church Unitarian of Littleton, Massachusetts. His previous books, also published by Trafford, are: The Beat Face of God—The Beat Generation Writers as Spirit Guides; Bring Your Own God—The Spirituality of Woody Guthrie; and Troubadour and Poet—The Magical Ministry of Ric Masten.