Heaven; Could It Be Like This?

Book Details
About the Book
In Heaven; Could It Be Like This?, the author explores possible answers to many of the questions people have about heaven, such as, “Won’t we get bored during all those millennia?,” “Will we be able to recognize those who’ve gone there before us?,” What about my pet?,” “Will we know what is going on down here?,” and many more such perplexities. Regardless of a person’s spiritual persuasion, he or she can hardly avoid wondering about life after death and the nature of heaven. In this book, these questions and more are considered in a fictional, first-person format. Protagonists in the book are allowed the privilege of experiencing “flashbacks” in order to converse with such biblical notables as Noah, Samson, Paul, Esther, Ruth, and others.
About the Author
Lloyd was raised on the family farm near Lima, Ohio. He graduated from Lafayette--Jackson High School, received the Bachelor’s degree from Bluffton University, and a Master’s from Bowling Green State University. He was an art teacher, middle school principal, and Curriculum Director for the Putnam County School System, retiring after thirty-seven years in education. His wife of sixty-two years, Marjorie (Yoakam) Harnishfeger taught public school music.Their daughter, Rebecca Casey, is Cha irperson of the music department at Ohio Northern University. Her husband, Clay, teaches advanced sciences at Allen East High School, as well as adjunct courses at O.N.U. Their daughter is a student at Dartmouth.