Four Great Stories and So Much More

by Gwen Petreman & Illustrated by Andrea Wray



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/9/2019

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 26
ISBN : 9781490797083
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 26
ISBN : 9781490797090

About the Book

This book was specifically structured in a question and answer format that appeals to youngsters with a myriad of interests, a thirst for knowledge, unbridled curiosity, a wild imagination, and an interest in exploring the application of mixed media in the colourful illustrations. Gwen has included a plethora of factual information, a fantasy narrative, a new version of a much beloved fable, and Felix Finkbeiner’s story, all in the same book. It is Gwen’s ardent wish that youngsters and their parents who read this book will be inspired by Felix, who at the age of nine, already embodied the most admirable of qualities that we want our children to emulate and champion in the world today.

About the Author

Gwen strives to write a balance of short, easy to read pattern stories with longer fiction and non-fiction stories that contain factual information and shine the spotlight on the environment. The illustrations in this book reflect her passion for using mixed media to create her illustrations. She especially loves experimenting with fluid painting. Gwen is actively involved with a number of nature groups and participates regularly in community tree planting. She encourages everyone to plant as many native trees as possible to help reduce global warming and mitigate the devastating effects of climate change.