A Probable Complex Future Evolving from a Historical Past Seen from a Moderate Perspective

Survival of a “Sugar Daddy” vs a “Sugar Mommy”

by Dr. Angell de la Sierra Esq.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/24/2018

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781490791739
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9781490791715

About the Book

This is an autobiographical novel and a veridical but fictionalized account based on memoirs from the temporal evolution of a premature, mixed-breed orphan sharing an old house with six other cousins in colonial Puerto Rico and life in Europe and Eastern USA.

About the Author

After so many years of laboring within the confined university walls of academe, retirement becomes both a threat and a challenge. Never before did you have the time to follow up on the few occasions serendipitous enlightenments flashed across your path. Tenure and cost-efficient, pragmatic considerations always kept you away. But there is no excuse now. Is it worth it? I would like to invite all those studious of the mind/brain interface puzzle to share our insights. What follows represents an ongoing series of reflections on the ontology of consciousness based on some intuitions on life, language acquisition, and survival strategies to accommodate the biological, psychic, and social imperatives of human life in its ecological niche, thus the BPS model. For the latest publication, click on BPS Model. http://www.delaSierra-Sheffer.net/ID-Neurophilo-net/index.htm