The Holy Bible
Complete and How To Understand it
Book Details
About the Book
The author and opinions of this book was revealed over 139 years ago and I quote. To all who make the Bible a study, it is almost invaluable. A work more thorough, more useful, more simple and comprehensive in it scope and character, upon the Bible has not emanated from the pen of any other theologian so imminent and able as Dr. Hitchcock during the century. It needs but a glance to convince of it worth. Has opened the vast storehouse of religious truth and brought the whole teachings of the Spirit on each subject at one view. It is one of the most valuable aids to Bible study that I have ever examined. I comment it to the attention of every person, whether the head of a family or not. This is the most complete work on the Bible I have ever seen. It will enable any person possessing it to learn more of the Bible in an evening than he can acquire in days of hard studying without it. Enable the reader to turn to any subject of the Bible and there find all that is said directly upon it, right before the eye. It enables one to find at any moment all the light God’s Word gives upon any doctrine, or any duty, or any relation in life. Such a valuable addition to the library that no person can afford to be without it. It is a guide to the study of the Bible, not a substitute for it; and is a work of rare value to all who wish to gain a thorough knowledge of the teachings of God’s Word. No more can be said about this Analysis of The Holy Bible than what had already been spoken. It speaks for itself.
About the Author
Teresa A. Taylor had a successful career as a Marketing Assistant and Customer Care Coordinator, which came to a halt November 2006. Throughout the year of 2006 she went through a Spiritual Warfare which led to many trials and tribulations but God had victory over all. God had spoken the words to her to Copy Doctrine. Determined and full of faith putting all her trust in God she refused to give up. Two years prior to going through the Spiritual Warfare she was lead to the most wonderful gift that God had in store for her. She sought after an antique Bible that had the original books regarding the Word of God. Ask and you shall receive, as it is written. She asked God for an old Bible with a better understanding and he lead her to this beautiful rare antique Bible edited and originated 138 years ago by Dr. Hitchcock. She actually would love to have the original scrolls but is grateful to God for his precious gift. Her husband, Philip Ray Taylor, purchased all the necessities and equipment to accomplish the Will of God he had purposed for her. She typed away and copied scripture for two years until she contacted Trafford Publishing Company and they immediately mailed and emailed her the To Do It Yourself Publishing Guide. She sought the advice of an attorney for copyright so she could republish HitchcockÕs New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible which is granted to her to republish. She got right to work still being spiritually lead by the Holy Ghost to get this book out to the world for others who seek after a better and complete understanding of the Word of God. She gives God all the Glory and Praise for the dramatic change he has made in her life and with her family and for his most precious gift he had stored for her. It has been a challenging experience; a inspiring and rewarding gift from our Lord. She prays this is a blessing to all who seek after a complete and better understanding of the Word of God. She resides with her family in York, South Carolina.