Hypnosis Inductions Dissected

by John Barboza



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/20/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781698712369
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781698712352
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781698712376

About the Book

John Barboza has written another creative, interesting book where he takes the inductions apart and examines, and reassembles them so that the reader can fully understand how and why they work. Throughout the book there are many speed inductions mixed with some slower progressive ones along with a handful of inductions performed by other hypnotists. The three-part format that flows throughout the inductions section of the book begins with the introduction, which lures you in by playfully teasing you with crafty headlines, piquing your interest of what the induction entails. The induction part spells out each step of the process used to hypnotize the subject. And the explanation section gives the details of what is taking place beneath the surface. It explains what words, phrases or actions are used and why. These elements can be added to other inductions elevating their stature, making them equally as powerful, and magical. Reading, studying, and practicing this material will leave you with potent, enchanting tools to build your confidence and make you feel, believe, and know that you can induce hypnosis easily and effortlessly, just like all the intriguing and masterful hypnotists do.

About the Author

John Barboza became interested in hypnosis when he was thirteen. The first book he purchased for one dollar, which he still has in his library today is, Hypnotism Revealed by Melvin Powers. After unsuccessful attempts to hypnotize his childhood friends, his interest in hypnosis faded but returned in 2010. After seeing the movie, The Fourth Kind, where hypnotherapy was used throughout the film, his desire to learn hypnosis increased with a vengeance. He accumulated a multitude of books and hypnotized hundreds of people. In 2013 he studied under Master Hypnotist, Jeffrey Stephens, and six months later he became a certified consulting hypnotist and member of the National Guild of Hypnotists. John is a board certified hypnotist, stage hypnotist, certified instructor, and owner of his hypnotism practice, Life Enriching Hypnosis, in New Bedford, Massachusetts. He shares his passion for hypnosis on his Hypnotism 101 YouTube channel and local cable TV network.