How Do You Know There Is A God?

English - Spanish Flipbook

by Kristin Jackson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/20/2020

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781698701837
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781698701844

About the Book

One of the most difficult questions kids ask is “How do you know there is a God?” In this Spanish/English flip book Sammy’s mom takes him for a walk to show him the miraculous creations that prove that God is everywhere. Through the photography of Joanne Pionessa, Sammy witnesses the awesome beauty of nature and God’s love for us.

About the Author

I am from a rural area in Western New York. I spent a year teaching Sunday School in our small church and was often asked by the kids, "How do you know there is a God?" It is a tough question at any age, but as I look around at the absolute beauty surrounding us in nature I think, " How can you think there isn't one?" I wrote the book hoping that parents could use it as a tool to help children understand that although we can't see Him you can be sure He is there always.