Lily Amongst Thorns

Life's Circle

by Lisa Claythorns



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/5/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781698702483
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781698702476

About the Book

Ms Clay finds writing poetry motivating, inspirational and a way to explore a new level of spiritual enlightenment. Her poetry bring to light what it is to be a God Chaser and how lovely is all of creation when God is our Focus. Ms, Clay has had her poetry work published in the quiet time report called “Dreams in the wind” and one of her poem was published in the library book of congress called “My Sweetist Soul”. Some of her poems can also be found on obituaries, wedding programs and in on the wall in peoples home as a gift . Born and raised in Both the south and in the north gave her a well rounded perspective on both city and country life which is brought out in some of her poetry . Always having an intrinsic desire to get her work published and procrastinated but continued to write on her spare time as thoughts came across her mind. This birth the Title of “Lily Amongst Thorns “. The lily represents the genuine treasure that lies within us and the Thorns are the struggle...twist and turns that just happens as you live in this world and Live this Life. Everything that resides within us to make the choices that we desire and some choices were made by others and impinged upon us but as we grow in the wisdom from above ..lessons are taught and appreciated which makes us more aware and helps us to transcend our current situations and circumstances and. Everyday rising to new levels of Hope and Faith.

About the Author

Matthew 15:28 …….O WOMAN , GREAT IS THOU FAITH:BE IT UNTO THEE EVEN AS THOU WILT…… Blessed with a heart of gold and talent just as rich. Lisa brings an intrinsic quality to her poetry. Lisa Clay Tyler is a Special education teacher by trade...Social Tech and CNA. Lisa earned a degree. A B.S in Special education from Indiana University. Also became an ordained Minister at the International Ministerial Fellowship of Jamison Evangelical Fellowship and later on installed as an evangelist at SUBC in Virginia. Lisa spent most of her youth ,outside of school, in the South, Virginia. She would sit in the woods or view the mountains while thinking of another poem to write. Ms. Clay Tyler is an intrinsic Lover of the Arts and especially Poetry...earning Art Honors at Temple University in her early years in sculpting.and painting . 1979. Lisa drew her inspiration to write poetry from her mother Ann who use to draw still life paintings and loves to write short stories at her leisure. Her brother mark is also a writer of poetry and together they would share their writings. Reading books by Maya Angelou, Langston Hughes, Kihlila Gibran inspired her more to write poetry.