The Mysterious Case of Lincoln

The Adolescent

by Dwight Dyce



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/10/2023

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5.5x8.5
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781698715520
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781698715537

About the Book

‘The Mysterious Case of Lincoln – The Adolescent’ is a story of an autistic boy who was taken from his mom and dad at about age 9 and was placed in foster care. Lincoln had difficulty in social and emotional processing and transferring of information; he had problems communicating what he was feeling and thinking and would project his frustration through unacceptable behaviors. He wanted to return to live with his mom and dad, but several unfortunate events were hindering him from doing so; Lincoln appeared to be left on his own with an uncertain future; his zone of transient comfort were three caregivers and the foster home he spent most of his years, but this dull and melancholic posture will soon be changed.

About the Author

Growing up in the rural district of Murray Mount, St. Ann, Jamaica, Dwight Dyce had a deep interest to understand human behavior. Consequently, he studied and received his first degree in Guidance and Counseling in 2009 from International University of the Caribbean (IUC). Later, Dyce earned a Master of Education in Teaching and Learning from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota in 2015. Presently, Dyce is enrolled in the Master of Education in school counseling program at Cambridge College, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Among his packed resume`, Dwight Dyce worked as a guidance counselor in Jamaica for six years at both the primary and secondary levels, and motivated many young people through several empowerment programs. He immigrated to the United States of America, where he continues to expand his professional and academic development by working as a special education teacher for two years at the clinical day school at the Susan Wayne Center of Excellence, located in Thompson, Connecticut which offers intensive educational, vocational, and clinical services for mild to moderately cognitively impaired students. Dyce also worked with a non-profit organization in the field of social services as a rehabilitation counselor for at-risk youth. Currently, he is living and working in Worcester, Massachusetts as a Behavior Therapist in the field of applied psychology. Dyce is also an active member of United States Soccer Federation (USSF) as a regional referee. Dwight Dyce is driven by a yearning to understand concepts of life and living; how individuals with challenges relate through different levels of communication, and if this is understood as it is supposed to. His quest to understand the anatomy of human behavior inspired the writing of this book, ‘The Mysterious Case of Lincoln – The Adolescent’.