A Matter of the Heart...

From the Soul of the Apostle/Preacher

by Dr. Sylvester Davis Johnson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/6/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 166
ISBN : 9781698715674
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 166
ISBN : 9781698715667

About the Book

He was united in ministry and marriage to the former Billie Janetta Mason on February 14, 2004, after experiencing 34 prosperous years of marital union with the late Gwendolyn Darnell McQueen Johnson. The following are highlights of the ministerial accomplishments of Apostle Johnson: • Received his call to the ministry in 1967 • Ordained and Elder in 1969 • Appointed to his first Pastoral assignment in 1970 (St Hope Temple TPVH, Martinsville, Virginia) • Appointed Senior Pastor of the Macedonia True Vine Pentecostal Holiness Church of God Incorporated (currently the Macedonia Worship Center) after the death of his father in 1975 • Consecrated to the Episcopal Office, October 1975 • Elected Presiding Prelate of the True Vine Pentecostal Holiness Churches of God, Incorporated in 1975 • Built and 2,000+ seating capacity, state-of-the-art edifice (Johnson Memorial Sanctuary) in 1982 • Purchased WSMX Radio Station 1500 AM in 1982

About the Author

APOSTLE DR. SYLVESTER DAVIS JOHNSON Apostle Sylvester Davis Johnson is an internationally known and much sought-after preacher, teacher, singer, musician, and author. He is noted for his humility as a servant of the Lord. Recognized as having a call to nurture, train, and mentor spiritual sons, daughters, and pastors of new as well as established ministries, he has become the Apostolic covering of many. Apostle Johnson was listed as a member of the National Register’s Who's Who in Executive and Professionals 2004-2005 Edition. Reared in the home of a Bishop, the late Bishop William Monroe Johnson, and Mother Marie Davis Johnson recognized the church as his mainstay and was converted at the age of ten (10) years old. He is a “life member” and serves as the Senior Pastor of the Macedonia True Vine Pentecostal Holiness Church of God, Incorporated, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, currently, é the Macedonia Worship Center. He is the Most Apostolic Primate/Establishmentarian of the True Vine Churches of Deliverance International (TVCOD) and serves as the Jurisdictional Presiding Prelate of the Greater Memorial Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of TVCOD. Under his capable leadership, after succeeding his father, the local church has experienced tremendous growth.