Wisdom Science

by Norman Edgar Wengert



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/4/2009

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 520
ISBN : 9781426900976
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 520
ISBN : 9781426900952

About the Book

Beyond mindfulness, meditation, divine guidance systems, religions, psychologies and philosophies, lies a world not thought-produced but thought-confusing. To decapitate ideologies, beliefs and convictions, learn to use the center for intuitional learning, one’s own biometric GPS. Not a mental faculty but mind can learn and be taught how to make cognitive-conscious use of this innate resident of our inner space. Finally, a method for direct connection, the science and art of interaction at the interface of intellect and Ultimate Reality Itself. “Integrating why we all feel identically but think very differently, is to finally comprehend why the culprit is unmonitored thinking.” “Why should we not force the mind to work under the tutelage of Wisdom contained in the unity of the organism within the matrix of Forever?” “Mind tries to make sense, the Other Nature IS sense.” “Religions are of past glorious attempts to bring the essence of Eternity into our personal lives. Into our heads, that is, since it has been in everything else all along.” (Wisdom Science)

About the Author

Doctor of Chiropractic. Founder, developer of Enchanted Sight©, Intuitive Reasoning©, Internal Environmental Analysis©, Prestidigitated Cognitive-Conscious Research Dialogue©, the Independent Internal Monitor© and the Instinctive-Existent Arts©, all of which are taught as Wisdom Science for personal exploration of inner space using the sixth/psychic sense as a working reality.