The Wonder of it All
Book Details
About the Book
The Wonder of It All is a collection of rhymed and free verse poems by Earl Fee covering a wide range in five sections ─Live, Love, Laugh, Pathos, and Spirit/ Spirituality. The 71 beautiful colored professional photos, carefully selected─support the theme and atmosphere of the 118 poems and assist to bring the poems to life. Many of these poems have an important message or story. These down-to-earth poems will help awaken and sharpen your senses of taste, sight, hearing and particularly feelings associated with the heart and spirit; and will increase appreciation of the nature all around you,─ and increase your empathy for your fellow man. Every day can then become an Earth Day, instead of just one day a year─in appreciation and gratitude for our planet Earth and it’s nature. And then ideally, everyday becomes for you a People Day (my invention) ─a great appreciation, love and empathy for our fellow man, leading to helping each other. Then you will truly be in awe of the wonder of it all.
About the Author
Earl Fee is a retired nuclear engineer consultant, motivational speaker on fitness, running, longevity and spirituality; poet, and also a runner with over 50 world record broken in the past 25 years. He has three books published since 2001: How to Be a Champion from 9 to 90, The Complete Guide to Running, and his latest 100 Years Young the Natural Way in three parts: Body, Mind and Spirit. See www.earlfee. com for details.