Why Did The Prophets Say What They Said?

The Eschatology of an Exclusive Israel with British-Israel Bible Notes

by Dr. Justin G. Prock



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/17/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 936
ISBN : 9781698714318
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 936
ISBN : 9781698714295
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 936
ISBN : 9781698714301

About the Book

ABOUT THE BOOK This is the sequel to my first book, Why Did YAHWEH and His Son, YAHSHUAH, Say What They Said? Hence, the title, Why Did The Prophets Say What They Said? The Prophets made statements with regard to Eschatology that have been “Spiritualized” for over a Millennium, which has led to the belief not only in Universalism (the belief that YAHSHUAH died for everyone), but also in Replacement Theology, wherein the “Church” replaces “Israel” and is now the inheritor of the Abrahamic Covenants of the Old Testament. What most “pastors” do not understand is that the “church” i.e., the Ekklesia, comes out of Israel, just as in the Old Testament, there was a called-out Assembly out of Israel, so too is there a called-out Assembly in the New Testament called the Ekklesia. According to Stephen in Acts 7:38, there was a “Church in the wilderness.” That so-called “Church in the wilderness” was Israel in the wilderness, after having been led out of Egypt (a type of the world) by YAHWEH. Most Pastors refuse to accept this, but here it is in black and white! So, too, will YAHSHUAH lead us out of the world very soon, when the Rapture/Resurrection happens. He will gather His Wheat into His Barn, while the Tares are collected and burned forever. Please see Matthew 13… According to Jeremiah 31:31, Behold the days are coming, saith the Lord, when I will make a New Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah, and according to Hebrews 8:8, For finding fault with them, He saith, BEHOLD, THE DAYS COME, SAITH THE LORD, WHEN I WILL MAKE A NEW COVENANT WITH THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL AND WITH THE HOUSE OF JUDAH. So, who are the Old Testament (Covenant) and the New Testament (Covenant) made with and addressed to? The House of Israel and The House of Judah! No one else! Remember what YAHWEH said in Amos 3:2: Of all the tribes of the Earth, I acknowledge none but you (ISRAEL). Hence, the Prophets only addressed The House of Israel and The House of Judah…Very simple you would think! However, most of today’s Babylonian Priesthood/Churchianity refuse to accept the secular historical position with regard to the House of Israel and the House of Judah, and who they are today. These people groups, which the Prophets, as well as YAHWEH and YAHSHUAH addressed, still exist today. However, these people are all mixed-up and known by different names today, but they DO exist. The question then becomes, is the Bible for us today literally or only to be used as a moral compass? The answer might surprise you as read this book…

About the Author

Dr. Justin G. Prock has spent over 20 years in management in the United States, and over 10 years as a professor in South Korea. Dr. Prock is currently teaching at Pyeongtaek University in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, where he teaches English and English and Culture, which includes Bible Prophecy, Current Events, Economics, History, and Political Science. Dr. Prock holds a Bachelor’s in History from Tennessee Technological University, a Master’s in Biblical Studies, a Master’s of Divinity, and a Doctorate in Biblical Studies and Eschatology from Louisiana Baptist University, a Certificate in Kingdom Studies from The National Bible College in Durham, England, a Certificate in Christian Education from The American Institute of Theology, and four Certificates from The Bible Mastery Boot Camp. Dr. Prock has published four books based upon his previous research, Why Did Yahweh and His Son, Yahshuah, Say What They Said? A Who’s Who That May Change The Way We Think About Eschatology; Biblical Eschatology: A Study On The End Times And The Exclusiveness Of Israel In The Bible; Our English Heritage; and Why Did The Prophets Say What They Said? The Eschatology of an Exclusive Israel with British-Israel Bible Notes. Dr. Prock is currently in the process of writing his fifth book: My People Are Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge: Lies Pastors Tell Their Congregations. Dr. Prock grew up in the Episcopal Church; however, due to the beliefs of that denomination, Dr. Prock’s family left the church and spent several years “church hopping.” However, YAHWEH GOD got a hold of Dr. Prock, and brought him to You Turn For Christ, a ministry of Calvary Chapel in 2003, where he started his Biblical education and has been a student of the Bible ever since!