1300 Moons
Book Details
About the Book
1300 Moons is based on the life story of Saulteaux Ojibway Chief Kioscance, or Young Gull, who lived during the French regime in North America, ca. 1640–1748. It follows his life’s journey from a youth through his years as a warrior, to becoming a great war chief, to becoming an elder on the council. Young Gull led his people south after the Iroquois War to establish them at Aamjiwnaang at the foot of Lake Huron. “1300 Moons contains a strong storyline, a sense of suspense with drama, and good character development. Descriptions of places and events are good and engaging to the reader. It brings out many human elements of trust, pride, fear, accomplishment, as well as feelings of love of land, territory, and spirituality.”
About the Author
David D. Plain is a member of the Aamjiwnaang First Nation and great-great-great grandson of Young Gull. His other books, The Plains of Aamjiwnaang and Ways of Our Grandfathers, have received overwhelming critical acclaim.