Coon Run Paradigm

by James Hendershot



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/2/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9781698718330
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9781698718347

About the Book

These are two tales as told by grandmother of supernatural events that occurred in the early 1900s. The first was of 13 little houses that were built alongside a tiny creek that flowed down Coon Hollow. These families provided a haven for evil to plant its ugly seed into this small rural area, as they continued to spread their evil and killing throughout time and the English-speaking world. The second tale involved a killing spirit that would walk Coon Run Road one night each year and kill any whom it discovered. An unknown force recruited a Coon Hollow descendant to return from the West Coast and face this force, which had created a cut into the dimensional lines that separated these sister dimensions. This evil had to be eliminated before the dimensional lines could be repaired, as failure to do so would result in the destruction of both dimensions. Facing all challenges and many spiritual battles, these evil forces were defeated, and Coon Run Hollow returned to its normal boring uneventful place, whereas new evils flowed into replacing the old evils, and killing all who had previously fought against them.

About the Author

James Hendershot, D.D. was born in Marietta Ohio, finally settling in Caldwell, Ohio where he eventually graduated from high school. After graduating, he served four years in the Air Force and graduated, Magna Cum Laude, with three majors from the prestigious Marietta College. He then served until retirement in the US Army during which time he earned his Masters of Science degree from Central Michigan University in Public Administration, and his third degree in Computer Programing from Central Texas College. His final degree was the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity from Kingsway Bible College, which provided him with keen insight into the divine nature of man. After retiring from the US Army, he accepted a visiting professor position with Korea University in Seoul, South Korea. He later moved to a suburb outside Seattle to finish his lifelong search for Mempire. It is now time for Earth to learn about the great mysteries not only deep in our universe but also in the dimensions beyond sharing these magnanimities with you.